Notes for November...

The clocks have changed, the nights are drawing in, and November is nearly upon us! However, there are still plenty of things to do in the garden. Here's our top five November notes for a garden preparing for winter:
1. Plant out bulbs now for a sensational spring display.
Tulips are one of the most popular bulbs, particularly for their colourful shades and variety of shapes. Don't forget the daffodils too, for a real spring picture...even if it seems months away at the moment.

2. Protect containers from frost.
At the first sign of frost, which could be heading our way as we head into November, wrap up any tender plants than you are unable to move indoors. Fleece, straw or bubble-wrap can all help provide protection.
3. Feed the birds. From now until mid spring is the optimum time to keep the birds fed and strong. Take a look at our blog specifically on the essentials for feeding the birds from your garden!
4. It's bonfire time! November is renowned for bonfires (in safe, controlled settings). It's not just a Bonfire Night tradition, they can also be used to get rid of any garden debris that cannot be composted. Be careful to check any piles for hiding hedgehogs before you light up!

5. Wondrous winter bedding. Winter bedding can cheer up an otherwise bleak looking landscape. From pansies to Wall flowers, take a look at this Thompson and Morgan site for more ideas here